We’ve all been there – got the keys to the hotel room, chucked down the suitcase, unzipped it, only to realize that we’ve forgotten that little something that could’ve made the holiday go that bit smoother. We’ve rounded up the five most forgotten essential items that you should pack for your next trip!

A small first aid kit – The importance of a first aid kit doesn’t really dawn on you until you actually need one – only problem is, by then it is too late. The last thing that anybody wants to be doing on their holiday is running around in a foreign country in search of an open pharmacy or chemist for an item that could have easily been packed. What you pack in your first aid kit will obviously depend on where you are going and the types of activities you will undertake. However, a good rule of thumb for items to include in a general first aid kit would be such things as band aids, tweezers and needle for splinters, a thermometer, water purification items, fluid replacement products as well as any allergy medications.

A hardcopy address book – So you have your address book copied onto your Smartphone and you’ve synchronized it on your iPad just in case. You think you’ve got all bases covered, right? Unfortunately, on holiday you’ve got to be prepared for the worst. If both your phone and iPad decide to call it a day or run out of battery (and it has been known to happen), make sure you have a handwritten address book to call on. Include numbers of people your staying with as well as numbers of taxis, hotels, hospitals and local police, just in case.

Baby wipes – Baby wipes are a must when your busy gallivanting around the world. Use them to wipe your hands, clean up spills, wipe down hotel door knobs and remote controls – you will find

A power strip – A multiple power socket strip is a handy little gadget if you’re at an airport or public place and the only single socket is (inevitably) taken. Plug it in and you’re all good to go. Also ideal for hotel rooms so you can have all your gadgets charging in the one space (making it less likely to forget one when you’re ready to leave).

a million uses for them!

Some Books – Even if you’re not a “book” person, packing one or two books is a sure way to fight severe boredom that comes with long haul travel and all the stopovers in between. Aside being a better alternative than staring out the window for five hours straight, it is also a great way to bond with other travelers – strike up a conversation over a book and swap books


A power strip – A multiple power socket strip is a handy little gadget if you’re at an airport or public place and the only single socket is (inevitably) taken. Plug it in and you’re all good to go. Also ideal for hotel rooms so you can have all your gadgets charging in the one space (making it less likely to forget one when you’re ready to leave).

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